


今天就开始你的医疗事业吧! 通过注册护士助理(CNA)执照快速增加你的收入潜力. 我们为候选人提供实际的实践经验, 结构化的75小时课堂培训, 还有就业安排.

我们的目标是让您成功. CNA课程是进入医疗保健职业的一个入口,有很多机会. 作为CNA, you will provide a critical role in everyday care and while opening the door to further your career as an LPN, RN, 及以后.



  • 免费75小时培训计划
  • 提前接受——在你训练之前或训练期间拿到报酬!
  • 毕业后在奥奈达ECF工作并加薪
  • 教科书,学生手册,学习指南 & 包含所有技能补给
  • 2年心肺复苏和AED证书
  • 最先进的教室 & 医疗设备
  • 由持牌注册护士提供的课堂指导
  • 在当地长期护理机构有临床实践经验



十大靠谱网赌平台的延伸护理, 与社区伙伴合作, 是注册护理助理(CNA)教育的临床场所吗. Our expert training combines classroom instruction and hands-on sessions designed to prepare individuals to provide personal care to residents in nursing homes. 培训时间为75小时,每周培训5天. 课程通常在一年中每季度举行一次.

在培训项目结束时,个人需要参加书面认证考试. 一次认证, individuals may begin working as Certified Nursing Assistants in residential care facilities. Qualified applicants must have either a high school diploma or a completed GED and possess no previous criminal history as per federal regulations.


在我们的CNA培训课程开始之前, applicants will have the opportunity to work as a Unit Helper where they will receive hands-on experience related to CNA job responsibilities. 这可以包括准备住宿房间, 整理空床, 转移的居民, 并在课程开始前协助临床工作人员.

Once the class starts participants will transition to an on-site classroom for 75 hours of training. The class is free, the test is free, and participants get paid a unit helper rate while training. Upon graduation, graduates become CNAs with placement available at our ECF with a pay increase.

一旦你成为一名CNA,你就可以继续成为一名LPN、注册护士或NP——前途无量. We offer college reimbursement (it’s 50% reimbursement of  $5,250k per semester of tuition) and the 十大靠谱网赌平台基金会 是否有年度奖学金来支持继续教育.

  • 小班授课
  • 立即开始工作
  • 在你训练前或训练中获得报酬
  • 实践经验
  • 具有专业经验的持牌教师
  • 只需75小时的训练
  • 高中文凭或普通教育文凭
  • 注册前必须通过奥内达健康犯罪背景调查吗
  • 完成奥奈达保健公司员工培训

成功完成课程后, students will qualify to take the State Competency Test to be a Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA). The State Competency Test is an evaluation of nurse aide-related knowledge, skills, and abilities. The Pearson View test is made up of both a written and oral examination in addition to a skills evaluation. The purpose of the examination is to make sure that the student understands and can safely perform the job of an entry-level nurse aide.

该课程为学生在各种医疗保健机构寻求就业做好准备, 包括熟练的护理设施, 临终关怀, 膳宿及护理/退休设施, 康复医院, 精神病院, 还有老年人日托设施.



Imagine a job that rewards you for caring about others…that is exciting and challenging…a job where you make a difference. 无论你是刚刚开始你的推荐十大靠谱网赌平台还是准备改变, 现在是考虑成为护士助理的时候了. 在大多数州,护士助理被称为(CNA)。.

作为CNA, 你们将成为当今世界卫生保健的重要组成部分, 拥有我们需要的知识和技能. The training program at 十大靠谱网赌平台 prepares individuals with the information and experience needed to become Nurse Assistants who will provide quality care for residents in long-term care facilities, 医院, 家庭保健, 临终关怀的设置.

The Unit Helper is a paid position created at 十大靠谱网赌平台 to allow potential CNA candidates to experience the day-to-day role of a CNA before they commit to course certification. 许多相同的工作角色和服务由我们的单元助手执行, 让他们在入学前获得实践经验.


容易! 只是 点击完成我们的在线表格 你很快就会收到我们的消息.

是的,真的很免费. 没有陷阱. 我们对注册会计师和医疗专业人员的需求很高. So high, in fact, that we are willing to invest in future employees with free training courses.




The 十大靠谱网赌平台 Certified Nurse Assistant Training Program helps students learn skills that will enable them to provide quality care for residents in nursing homes, as well as supplemental information and skills that will enable graduates to provide quality health care for clients at home and patients in 医院.

In this course you will learn the following based on guidelines from the New York State Nursing Home Nurse Aide Training Program and Certification:

  • 第一单元:入门课程
  • 第二单元:基本护理技能
  • 第三单元:个人护理技能
  • 第四单元:心理健康和社会服务需求
  • 第5单元:对认知障碍居民的护理
  • 第六单元:基本恢复性服务
  • 第7单元:居民的权利

CNA training was developed to prepare you to deliver the level of care your patients will need. 的课堂, 或理论, component of our CNA training program will help you understand and learn how to provide proper patient care. 这部分内容包括讲座和课堂实践.

在顺利完成课堂作业后, 你将开始本课程的第二部分——临床工作——这将允许你, 在执业护士的指导下, 在医疗机构直接与病人打交道.

虽然你的兴趣可能广泛而多样, our Certified Nurse Assistant training program can help you develop skills that are applicable to a wide range of healthcare environments. 这种方式, you can build a foundation of information and good habits before you specialize or choose to further your career with additional training. 目前,CNA培训计划包括以下内容:

  • CPR和AED的使用
  • 感染控制
  • 测量生命体征
  • 运动范围练习
  • 成为一名有价值且适应性强的员工
  • 工作场所的沟通、团队合作和多元化技能
  • 照顾的艺术
  • 促进安全
  • 特殊护理说明
  • 从学生到雇员的转变


我们的CNA培训的第一部分在课堂上进行. 课堂培训期间, 学生将学习病人护理的各个方面, 通过讲座以及动手演示和实践. 学生还将获得心肺复苏术认证.

完成课堂培训后, 学生将开始该计划的第二部分,包括临床培训. During clinical training, students will 在医疗机构直接与病人打交道. You will be supervised by a licensed nurse approved by the state as a Certified Nurse Assistant Training Instructor.

在你的临床轮转经历中, 你将和其他助手一起工作, 护士, 医疗专业人员. You will learn what working as a Certified Nurse Assistant is like daily in a long-term care facility.



2004年,这一数字为1.美国有400万名护士助理. 包括医院在内的各种设施都雇用了护士助理和护士助理, 诊所, 家庭护理.

护士助理的就业增长速度快于平均水平, 预计到2020年增长20%或更多. 总共需要增加30多万名员工. 全国各地的护士助理都有很好的就业机会.

As the medical field continuously grows Nurse Assistants are on the front lines for quality patient care. Becoming a Nurse Assistant is a good idea for someone interested in the nursing field but not sure which path. A Nurse Assistant job will set you on the fast track to a quality career in the medical field.


  • 超过100年的护理经验和行业领导者.
  • Our instructors are state-approved licensed 护士 OR our instructors are state-approved licensed 护士 (RNs, lpn / lvn(各州允许).


2019年薪酬中位数 每年29,640美元
典型入门级教育 高等教育非学位证书或文凭
相关职业的工作经验 没有一个
在职培训 没有一个
就业人数,2018年 1,564,200
2028-2098年就业展望 9%(快于平均水平)
就业变化,2018-28 137,800



测试将在ECF进行. 与您的CNA准备课程和临床完成, you’ll have the knowledge you need to pass your licensing exams and skills tests – all that’s left is to actually take them.

We prepare you for the two sections of the CNA examination: the written examination and the clinical skills test.

  • The written examination uses a multiple-choice format to test your knowledge of nursing concepts. 你有90分钟的时间来完成60道问题.
  • 临床技能测试要求你在测试评估者面前完成护理任务.

随着测试日期的临近,您可能想知道会发生什么. 为了帮助你达到最好的结果, we’ve created a list of test-day information designed to ensure that you have everything you need for your exam.


  • 请务必在考试当天携带所有必需的文件. 这将包括一个状态应用程序, 国家批准信, 有效的带照片的身份证件, 和社保卡或打印件.
  • 至少提前30分钟到达考试地点. 一定要为考试留出一整天的时间.
  • 穿上工作服或制服,穿有支撑作用的防滑鞋,带一只秒针的手表.
  • 带上零食、铅笔、钢笔(蓝色或黑色墨水)、午餐和水.



Being a Temporary Nursing Assistant (TNA) before becoming a CNA was really helpful to getting to know the residents. 它真的让我为这门课做好了准备.



短短的一堂课,你学到了很多东西. 我觉得我受过良好的训练,我将能够成为一名成功的CNA. 这门课提供的实践经验对我来说是完美的.



很棒的经历 & 易于完成. 我已经做了6个多月的CNA了 & 一定会再来一次吗. 我打算继续做一名护士.
